
Fall for Chemical Peels: Chemical Peel Benefits

If achieving flawless, glowing, and healthy skin is on your fall to-do list: Chemical peels may be for you! These medical-grade facial treatments have minimal downtime and are safe for all skin types. They are the perfect choice for skin maintenance or even addressing skin concerns. This includes: acne, acne scarring, brown spots, pores, or texture. Mona Dermatology aesthetic providers, Kylee Finn, RN and Amanda Schmidt, LME, break down the science behind chemical peel treatments and answer your top questions about chemical peel benefits.

Procedure. Facial peel. Chemical peel. Patient. Mona Dermatology Cincinnati.

How do chemical peels work?

Kylee, RN: Chemical peels use the applications of various chemicals, such as alpha-hydroxy acid or salicylic acid. This causes the top layers of your skin to shed over a short period of time. During the appointment, your provider will apply multiple layers of the chemical peel solution onto your skin. These solutions consist of retinol, and different types of acids to raise the acidity of the skin. When you change the acidity of the skin it causes the skin to start to exfoliate, causing your peeling. The peeling of the skin promotes rejuvenation of healthy skin cells. This allows new, fresh skin to be revealed after the peeling.

Will I “peel”?

Amanda, LME: There are different levels of chemical peels such as superficial, medium depth or deeper peels that cause more layers of skin to peel. Your provider will help choose the best peel for you. This depends on the severity of your skin condition, what type of skin condition you want to treat, and how sensitive your skin is. Chemical peels can range from gentler treatments that will refresh your skin and cause no peeling at all to deeper peels that can improve more advanced concerns.

What can a chemical peel treat?

Chemical peels treat many different skin conditions such as sun damage, hyperpigmentation, melasma, acne, acne scarring, and other concerns. There are many benefits to a chemical peel making it versatile.

Sun Damage:

Chemical peels can address the visible signs of aging caused by sun damage. This can be done by,  increasing the turnover of skin cells and promoting collagen production. Common concerns include superficial lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, brown spots, and more. In addition to addressing these cosmetic concerns, some chemical peels can also help to exfoliate actinic keratosis. These precancerous lesions develop in the epidermis of your skin as a result of sun exposure. Overtime, this has the potential to develop into skin cancer.


A chemical peel helps exfoliate the skin, which reveals fresh and youthful skin underneath. In addition to boosting your collagen production, a chemical peel can also help exfoliate sun-induced brown spots as well as hyperpigmentation from various conditions such as acne scarring and melasma. By addressing these key causes of hyperpigmentation, chemical peels help even out and benefit your skin tone over time.


Melasma is often triggered by hormone changes in the body which cause an overproduction of pigment in the superficial layers of the skin. A chemical peel can help increase your skin cell turnover, and exfoliate brown patches without causing heat-induced inflammation that can actually trigger melasma. Therefore, chemical peels are a great way to decrease the visible signs of Melasma.

Acne & Acne Scarring:

By promoting the shedding of skin and reproduction of skin cells, chemical peels can help heal acne breakouts quicker and prevent them from becoming inflamed. It can also help fade the leftover red pigment caused by acne, called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and some types of acne scarring. In addition, salicylic acid peels are a great way to help treat active acne as well as acne scarring.

Fine Lines & Wrinkles:

if you’re seeking a no-needles way to soften superficial wrinkles and fine lines, a chemical peel may be a great option. By increasing cell turnover and boosting collagen production, a series of chemical peel treatments can help lessen the appearance of wrinkles over time. For deeper wrinkles, other treatments such as Botox or lasers may be a better choice.


Some lighter chemical peels contain mandelic acid, which can help calm inflammation. As a result, this can decrease the redness in your skin from rosacea. Chemical peels may not be the best choice for all patients experiencing rosacea. Your provider will help you choose what products and treatments are right for you.

Click the video below to read more about this customizable treatment!

Chemical peel. Customizable. Mona Dermatology Cincinnati. skin concerns.

Cheek Filler Placement: How-To Guide

Some of us are born with sunken cheeks, while others notice facial drooping during the aging process. No matter your reasoning for seeking out a cheek filler treatment, it can lift and rejuvenate your profile to make you look and feel your best. However, every person is different. Our providers at Mona Dermatology are extensively trained in the latest filler injection techniques, allowing them to customize treatments to each patient’s unique facial structure. They are experts at facial analysis and proper placement to give you a great outcome.

Here are a few of their favorite places to use filler:

Cheekbone Filler: Rejuvenating

The cheekbones, or zygomatic bones, are one of the most well-known structures when it comes to defining the contours of your face. With age, this area suffers fat pad loss, which leads to a flat, hollow appearance. Placing fillers in the soft tissue around your cheekbones can replace lost volume and produce a rounder and more youthful appearance. For patients who have not experienced volume loss yet, cheek filler treatment can also be a great way to enhance existing facial features. By defining the profile of your cheeks, younger patients can reveal a more contoured and slender facial shape.

cheek filler placement before and after

Before | After

Temple Filler: Lifting

Drooping cheeks create deep frown lines and the appearance of loose skin around the mouth, making your face appear more square-shaped than it is. Injecting fillers above the cheekbone can lift that drooping skin upwards to restore facial balance. Additionally, our providers may recommend pairing this lifting treatment with filler around the actual nasolabial folds, or tired lines around the nose and mouth, depending on your unique facial anatomy.

cheek filler placement before and after

1 syringe of Juvederm Voluma XC to temples & piriform (2 additional syringes were used elsewhere on her face): Before | After

Midcheek Filler: Rounding

The midcheek area is the place to target if you’re hoping for apple cheeks, since filler in this area has a rounding and plumping effect and helps restore your face to a youthful triangle shape. Your provider may choose a filler with a higher G prime that allows your provider to achieve maximum lifting results. Alongside increasing facial volume, midcheek filler can help reduce the appearance of eye bags and dark circles, making it perfect for adult patients of all ages. 

cheek filler placement before and after

1 Syringe of Juvederm Vollure: Before | After

Lateral Cheek Filler: Defining

Who doesn’t love the appearance of a sharp and well-defined bone structure? Filler around the jawline — one of the most popular locations — can dramatically improve your profile, sharpening flat features for a more sculpted look. By combining Juvederm Volux XC, the only FDA-approved filler for the jawline, under the chin with sturdy Voluma XC to build structure in the lateral face, our expert providers pronounce your natural jawline and create an elegant facial structure. 

cheek filler placement volux jawline filler before and after

4 Syringes of Juvederm Volux Treatment: Before | After

Not sure what filler treatment is best for you? Schedule a consultation with one of our providers to learn more!


Filler Myths: Fact or Fiction

Filler is a popular injectable cosmetic treatment for adding or restoring volume in the lips, cheeks, under eyes, jawline, and more. Board-certified dermatologists, Dr. Mona Foad and Dr. Alexandra Bowles, share the truth behind what you may have heard about filler myths and whether or not it’s fact or fiction.

Dr. Mona S. Foad“One syringe of filler will be enough to treat multiple areas on the face”: Fiction

Dr. Mona: Believe it or not, a syringe of filler usually only con-tains 1 ml of product. In comparison, a ketchup packet contains over 8 ml. For this reason, one syringe of filler does not go that far, especially when trying to restore lost volume in multiple areas of the face such as the cheeks, temples, lips, and more. How many syringes do most people get? That depends on how many areas you want to treat and how much volume loss you may have. If you are nervous and only want to do one syringe, I recommend choosing one area on your face, like your lips for example, to get the best result.

“Fillers replace lost volume that happens as we age”: Fact

Dr. Mona: We naturally lose volume in the face as we age. We lose bone, muscle, and collagen at the same time as our fat pads flatten and shift downward, all of which can cause jowling and a more sunken or hollow look. Fillers can be a great way to immediately treat areas where volume has diminished and to restore a more youthful version of ourselves.

“Most fillers are made up of products that are naturally occurring in your skin”: Fact

Dr. Mona: Hyaluronic acid is produced by our bodies and can be found in areas such as our eyes, joints, and skin. Most dermal fillers are made up of hyal-uronic acid, such as Juvederm Collection, RHA Collection, Restylane, and Belatero. Hyaluronic acid fillers are a great option because they have a very low risk of allergic reactions, due to their natural occurrence in the body. The other benefit of hyaluronic acid fillers is that they are dissolvable, so the treatment can be reversed if necessary. Radiesse, another popular filler, is made of calcium hydroxyapatite, another naturally occurring substance in our skin.

“Filler is unsafe or risky”: It depends

Dr. Mona: Although most filler treatments are safe, with few side effects, complications are possible with any medical procedure, and filler is no different. There are many blood vessels and arteries in the face. If the filler is injected into these areas, serious complications can arise. However, choosing the right provider is the best and most important step you can take to reduce this risk and ensure you have a safe and effective treatment. Ensure that the office you are visiting has a physician on staff who is board-certified in a related field, such as a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon.

You also want to ensure that the individual provider who you are seeing has extensive experience and training in not just the treatment, but also on how to handle any complication. At Mona Dermatology, all of our providers hold advanced degrees (such as MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs). They also train for a minimum of six months prior to seeing patients. It is important to ask your provider about these potential risks at your first visit and understand how they will handle a complication in the unlikely event that it does occur.

Dr. Alexandra Bowles
Dr. Alexandra Bowles

“Lip filler will look unnatural”: Fiction

Dr. Alexandra: Filler injections are highly customizable. Results can vary depending on the provider’s technique as well as the patient’s natural lips. Often, individuals you may see with obvious over-filled lips have had multiple syringes placed in the same area over a short period of time. A well-trained provider who is skilled at giving natural-looking results can enhance the shape of your lips in a way that still fits your facial anatomy. We discuss patient expectations and proportions before each procedure to ensure that both myself and the patient are on the same page with regards to shape, volume, and overall look. Additionally, as we age, we begin to lose volume in our face such as the mid face and lips. Filler treatments is a great way to maintain the youthful volume in these areas and continue to age gracefully.

“Filler can correct facial imbalances”: Fact

Dr. Alexandra: Dermal filler treatments are a great way to correct asymmetry and balance facial features. Popular treatment areas for balancing the facial pro-portions include temples, cheeks, chin, jawline, and lips. It is very important to see a provider who can do a full facial assessment. They are able to provide you with a treatment plan that addresses all areas of your facial anatomy. It is always beneficial to see before and after photos of past full-face treatments your provider has given. Providing volume in proper areas can result in a beautiful refreshed result that still looks very natural.

“Filler goes away quickly or stays for a long time”: It depends

Dr. Alexandra: Hyaluronic acid–based dermal fillers, such as Juvederm or RHA, last 6–18 months. Filler is metabolized in the body varies between patients and depends on the area treated and type of filler used. This determines the speed it metabolizes at. For example, filler around the mouth may not last as long as filler in the cheeks. This is due to the properties of the filler and constant movement of the mouth. As a result, it is possible some people may notice their filler results disappearing quicker or lasting longer.

“Filler will make me look frozen”: Fiction

Dr. Alexandra: A common misconception! Fillers add volume to treatment areas, such as the lips, cheeks, or undereye. A filler treatment will not give the ap-pearance of looking “frozen.” Botox on the other hand, is a neurotoxin which temporarily paralyzes or softens muscle movements to relax wrinkles over time. It is possible that someone could get too much Botox. By stopping their muscle movement entirely, which can lead to this frozen look. A well-trained provider utilizes techniques that ensure your muscle movement is appropriately reduced while still maintaining a natural look.

“It’s expensive”: It depends

Dr. Alexandra: Depending on the office where you are being treated, a sy-ringe of filler can range from $600 to $1,000. If you are treating one area, such as your lips, it is possible to only need one syringe. This will leave your final cost of treatment under $1,000. You may need a larger number of syringes when treating multiple areas. Large amount of volume loss you wish to replace may also require a larger number of syringes. If you are considering a filler treatment and are curious about the cost, it is best to have a consultation. At your consultation, your provider can provide you with a personalized treatment plan and estimate costs before beginning.

Take a look at this patient’s results after a lip filler treatment:

Instagram reel. Lip filler. Results. Before and after. Procedure. Mona Dermatology Cincinnati.

Make Your Jawline Filler Last

You just arrived home from your first jawline filler appointment. You can’t stop admiring your side profile in the mirror and are eager to show your new look to the world. Not so fast! If you want to enjoy the maximum benefits of the procedure and maintain your new look, Mona Dermatology recommends some important aftercare steps.

Be Cautious For 24 Hours After Jawline Filler

Our experienced providers will be meticulous while placing your filler to ensure you receive the safest treatment and best possible results. Everyone’s facial structure is different, so precision is key when it comes to building the jawline of your dreams. However, applying pressure to the treated area during the healing process may cause the filler to migrate to other areas around the neck and jaw. Be aware of habits, like resting your chin in your hands or sleeping on your side, for the first 24 hours as this may put too much pressure on the treated area.

Volux Jawline Filler MONA Dermatology Cincinnati

Stay Hydrated

Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers work by attracting water molecules from nearby tissues to create a plumping effect in the desired area. Drinking plenty of water after your appointment will maximize the results of your filler, ensuring you get the most out of your treatment. Additionally, the topical numbing applied to the skin during the procedure may cause dryness, so it is important to hydrate your skin with your favorite moisturizer during the recovery period. 

Avoid Excess Salt and Alcohol

Alcohol products and food high in sodium increase water retention and cause systemic swelling — think of the dreaded bloating and facial swelling the morning after dinner and drinks with friends. While fluctuation in water retention is normal, higher-than-average swelling is not ideal after a filler appointment. Your jawline will already be sore and irritated from the treatment, so it’s best to avoid the extra puffiness until the area heals. Instead, drink plenty of water to flush out the excess salt.

Jawline Filler Volux MONA Dermatology Cincinnati

Use UV Protection & Avoid Excess Heat

Although you should be applying sunscreen to your face daily, UV protection is especially important post-filler, since excess UV rays can affect the longevity of your dermal fillers. The damage and inflammation caused by overexposure to the sun stimulates your skin’s healing process. As you shed dead skin cells, the molecules in the filler can be broken down, too. Make sure to wear a topical sunscreen and consider adding a wide-brimmed hat to your daily wardrobe, as well as staying indoors during peak UV hours. You’ll also want to be cautious to avoid extensive heat exposure for 72 hours after your treatment, as it could negatively impact your results or cause excessive swelling.

Schedule a Combination Treatment

It’s good practice to schedule a follow-up appointment for two weeks after your initial treatment. That way, your provider can evaluate how the filler is settling into your face,  even out any asymmetry, or add more product if needed. Many clients also choose to pair filler with other anti-aging treatments — like Botox, microneedling, or chemical peels — to boost their results. 

Lip Filler vs Lip Flip | Which is Right For You?

What is the difference between lip filler and a lip flip?

Lip filler is a hyaluronic acid injectable that adds hydration or volume to your lips. It is a fantastic enhancement treatment that will leave you with noticeable results. A lip flip, on the other hand, involves a Botox injection into your upper or bottom lip, or both. Botox is used to help relax the muscles, allowing the lips to ‘flip’ outward and appear fuller. While lip fillers add physical volume to the lips, a lip flip enhances the shape by relaxing the muscles around the lips, creating a subtle outward curl.

Lip filler vs lip flip, Juvederm, botox, filler

How do you know which treatment is better for you?

Megan, PA-C, suggests that if you are unsure about getting a lip filler treatment, begin with a lip flip. A lip flip creates shorter-term and more subtle results. For these reasons, a lip flip could be a good place to start if you aren’t sure if lip enhancements are right for you. If you wish to add hydration or volume to your lips, Megan PA-C suggests getting lip filler because it provides both these enhancements with longer-lasting results. Additionally, lip fillers can be more versatile in achieving different looks, from subtle enhancement to more enhanced volume, depending on your preferences and goals.

How long do the results last?

Our providers typically utilize hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Juvederm or RHA, for lip enhancement procedures. These fillers generally last between 8 and 18 months; however, it is important to note that everyone metabolizes filler at different rates, causing variations in the duration of results. Lip filler touch-ups may be necessary after approximately one year. Alternatively, some fillers, like Bellafill, can last significantly longer (2-5 years). However, these types of fillers are not dissolvable and are used less commonly for lip filler treatments.

A lip flip treatment, on the other hand, typically lasts for about 3-4 months. Since Botox is used to relax the muscles around the lips, the results are temporary and will gradually diminish as muscle movement returns to the area. Some patients may notice their results lessening sooner, as it is a high-movement area with strong muscles.

What do the results look like?

Lip filler results can vary from subtle to dramatic based on the amount of filler used and the patient’s specific goals. Generally, patients can expect plumper, more hydrated lips with enhanced shape and definition. The results are immediately visible, though there might be some initial swelling that subsides within a few days.

A lip flip results in a more subtle enhancement compared to fillers. The lips will appear slightly fuller and more defined due to the relaxed muscles, but without the added volume that fillers provide. The effect is often described as a gentle, natural-looking enhancement. For this reason, it is perfect for those seeking a less invasive option or a trial before committing to fillers.


Lip filler 

Lip filler results, Juvederm

  BEFORE                                                     AFTER

Lip flip 

Lip flip results, Botox


BEFORE                                                     AFTER

5 Lip Filler Myths | Lip Fillers Cincinnati

You may be thinking about getting lip fillers, but the myths circulating social media make you second-guess whether it’s the right decision. Every day, Mona Dermatology’s well-trained providers help people achieve natural looking lips using lip fillers in the Cincinnati Area. We are here to address what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to lip augmentation procedures. 

Fiction: Lip fillers are always noticeable.

Fact: When done correctly, lip filler treatments can achieve natural-looking results.

Strategic filler placement, volume control, and customized treatments are all components of natural-looking lip results. It is important to schedule a consultation (if you’re in Cincinnati, start here!) before receiving lip fillers so your provider knows exactly what you want out of your treatment. Some people want to enhance their natural lips, while others want to create more volume. Sometimes, patients just want to treat the lipstick lines caused by aging. In the right hands, lip filler can achieve beautiful results.

Provider at Mona Dermatology does a lip filler consult in Cincinnati

Fiction: Lip fillers are artificial.

Fact: Hyaluronic acid — used in popular fillers like Juvederm — occurs naturally in the skin. 

Mona Dermatology carries a variety of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, including Juvederm Collection, RHA Collection, Restylane and Belatero. Hyaluronic acid is a gooey component of the extracellular matrix and it is found in human tissue, including skin, eyes, and the fluid and connective tissue between your joints. When you undergo a lip augmentation, your dermatologist is injecting a small amount of hyaluronic-acid-based gel into your lips. Since this substance is naturally occurring, it has a very low risk of causing an allergic reaction.

Fiction: I don’t need a professional. I can do lip fillers at home. 

Fact: Lip injections can only be safely performed by a licensed professional. 

Lip augmentation is a medical procedure, so medical professionals should perform it. Any time you use a needle, you risk infection. Make sure that the medical setting is and clean and takes precautions to decrease your risk of infection. Pay attention to whether your skin is being cleaned with an antiseptic prior to any procedure. In addition, unsterilized needles can lead to needle born illnesses like HIV and  hepatitis, and your health care provider should use disposable needles to avoid cross contamination. Medical offices have rigorous sterilization procedures to ensure providers throughly clean sharp objects between patients. These are difficult to reproduce at home.

Additionally, poor injection technique invites the risk of occlusion, or fillers injected into blood vessels or arteries and blocking blood flow. This can be a serious adverse event which in the untrained hand can lead to more serious complications including tissue loss. A well-trained provider will know how to manage any complication that may arise, so it is important to choose the right one for your lip filler treatment to avoid risks like infection, scarring, burning, tissue damage, pigmentation disorders and more. Look for an office directed by a board-certified physician with extensive experience performing lip augmentations. Request before-and-after photos from satisfied patients and remember to ask lots of questions!

Even non-invasive at-home options, like Hyaluron pens, are unreliable and imprecise. The filler enters the lips via microscopic holes created by the force of pressurized air, which the Hyaluron pen releases in short bursts. These bursts can be difficult to control, leaving the user with an uneven distribution of product and lumpy-looking lips. 

Fiction: Lip fillers cause cancer.

Fact: There is no clinical evidence that fillers impact the immune system.  

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light causes skin cancer, not dermal fillers. Sunscreen and regular skin exams are your best friend when it comes to lowering your risk of skin cancer. 

Cincinnati Filler Treatments

Fiction: Once you get lip fillers, you’re stuck with them.

Fact: Hyaluronic acid-based lip fillers gradually dissolve over time. If necessary, a provider can easily dissolve them with hyaluronidase.

Lip filler will dissolve naturally over time, so you never have them forever, even if you wish you could. Hyaluronidase is a protein enzyme that breaks the bonds holding hyaluronic acid molecules together and encourages the body to naturally reabsorb those molecules. These highly targeted injections will not  dissolve the hyaluronic acid that your body produces naturally.

How Does EmFace Work?

As seen in the October 2022 issue of Cincinnati Magazine.

Cincinnati is one of only a few cities in the country to have the newest technology in non-surgical anti-aging. In the fall of 2022, Mona Dermatology in Kenwood premiered the new “EmFace” treatment. It was one of three locations in Ohio–and the only one  in Cincinnati–selected to launch this new technology.

How does EmFace work? 

EmFace is the newest device from BTL, the makers of the popular body-sculpting treatment EmSculpt Neo. EmFace will use a patented technology of muscle contraction and skin tissue heating to tighten, lift and rejuvenate facial skin in a way that no other treatment has before.  

Cincinnati EmFace Treatments

Is this a new method? 

Skin tissue heating has been a pillar of the aesthetics industry for years. Whether through RadioFrequency, Ultrasound, or lasers, heating the tissue in the skin creates injury and results in an increase in collagen and elastin production. Over time, this can make skin look tighter, reduce wrinkles, and give an overall more youthful appearance. Muscle contraction for the face is a new innovation, but it is rooted in equally strong science. EmFace uses High Frequency Electrical Stimulation (HIFES) technology to tighten the muscle layer as well as radiofrequency to build collagen and tighten the skin overlying the muscle.    

Who can benefit from EmFace?

As we get older, we start losing the support structures of our skin, bone, muscle, fat, and collagen. Currently, we replace lost volume with fillers, tighten and lift loose skin with radiofrequency or ultrasound. We also repair sun damaged skin with lasers, lights and chemical peels. Up to this point, we have not had anything that could safely address one of our skin’s basic support structures, the muscle layer. EmFace will be a first-of-its-kind procedure to address this important component in facial aging.

“For years, non-invasive treatments that use RadioFrequency or Ultrasound technology have been some of my favorite options for patients that want to tighten skin, build collagen, and continue to look and feel their best.” shares Dr. Mona Foad. “When I first heard about this technology I knew that this would revolutionize our non-surgical treatment of the aging face. I am so excited to be bringing our patients the EmFace device because it will take this incredible technology a step further as we lift and tighten muscle and skin to reverse the signs of aging in this no downtime and painless procedure.”

Your Guide to Body Sculpting Treatments

As seen in the March 2023 issue of Cincinnati Magazine

How much fat reduction can you expect from body sculpting treatments?

An EmSculpt Neo treatment combines radio frequency to tighten the skin and destroy fat cells, as well as high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to build muscle. During the treatment, you will feel a warm sensation from the heat transmitted from the radio frequency while also feeling muscle contractions (equivalent to 20,000 crunches in one treatment). On average, 30% fat reduction and 25% muscle growth is achieved. The best part: there is no downtime with this treatment option! “Tapping” cycles within the treatment break up the lactic acid within the muscles. This is the cause of soreness after your normal gym workout. 

CoolSculpting Elite treatments are ideal for those that would like to target focused areas of fat reduction. This option provides the opportunity to truly individualize the treatment plan by mapping out the specific placement of each applicator. It is also a fantastic option for targeting specific stubborn areas of fat. CoolSculpting utilizes cryolipolysis to eliminate fat through cold temperatures. On average, 20-25% reduction in fat can be expected to each area. Mild swelling, bruising, or tenderness can occur in the treatment area, resolving after 2 weeks on average. 

– Brooke Stinnette, RN BSN

What is the difference between fat reduction treatments and toning treatments?

Coolsculpting Elite is strictly a fat reduction treatment. It uses cooling technology to target trouble areas like the backs of the arms. Women specifically can struggle with these areas because of their genetics and no matter how much you might workout, they cannot achieve the results they want. CoolSculpting Elite has one main job and that is to get rid of fat and it is very targeted to the treatment area. EmSculpt Neo on the other hand does a few different jobs. It is going to treat major muscle groups such as your abdomen wall to tighten your tummy, or your glutes to plump up your booty. While it is building your muscles, EmSculpt Neo is also using radio frequency for fat loss and skin tightening. By building muscle, you will also more efficiently burn fat. Simply put, Coolsculpting helps to debulk fat and Emsculpt Neo helps you define muscles.

– Amanda Schmidt, LME

What benefits are there to doing a toning treatment?

Doing a toning and tightening procedure, such as EmSculpt Neo, includes many benefits. The procedure itself engages muscle to its full potential allowing it to strengthen, grow, and heal quicker if injured. When treating the abdomen, for example, the core muscles are strengthened. This can improve posture and diastasis recti. Patients may see some of the same benefits of strength training from doing a toning treatment, such as reduced back pain, reduced risk of injury and improved mobility.

Emsculpt Neo is a great  treatment for people young and old, and not just for those who want a more toned body.  As we age, our ability to build muscle declines. We lose about 3-8% of our muscle mass per decade after the age of 30, and even more after the age of 60. Emsculpt Neo is an antiaging secret that can actually help rebuild the muscle mass that we lose with age.

– Chloe Dedden, RN BSN

What do providers love about body sculpting treatments?

  • Amanda says, “EmSculpt Neo treatments helped to strengthen my core and almost completely resolved my back pain and diastasis recti that I experienced postpartum. I also love the skin tightening and improved appearance of stretch marks that my patients have gotten.”
  • Chloe says, “Working out, eating healthy, and living an overall healthy lifestyle is necessary for mental health but to have the option to do a treatment that increases results and/or boost your confidence to get you to your goal is amazing!”
  • Brooke says, “I love that EmSculpt Neo and CoolSculpting Elite treatments can complement each other to meet each person’s unique needs.”

How to Pick a Provider | Botox Provider Near Me

As seen in the January 2024 issue of Cincinnati Magazine.

With the start of a new year, you may also be thinking about new ways you wish to care for yourself. If cosmetic treatments are on your list, choosing the right laser, filler, or Botox provider will be a critical first step. The board-certified team at Mona Dermatology shares their top tips for what to look for when choosing a provider, whether you are looking for a dermatologist in Cincinnati or elsewhere.

The #1 thing to remember is that cosmetic treatments are still medical procedures. Oftentimes, we perceive popular treatments as easy to perform and risk-free. Serious side effects, including infections, compromised veins or arteries, tissue damage, scars, burns, pigmentation disorders, and more can occur. These side effects are always a possibility with any cosmetic treatment, but are much more likely when consumers visit untrained, unqualified practitioners. Just as you would for any other medical procedure, we recommend choosing an experienced and qualified provider to perform your cosmetic treatments.

What To Look For in a Botox Provider, Filler Provider, or Cosmetic Provider:


Start by looking for a credentialed provider with extensive experience and training in the cosmetic field. The office you are visiting should be led by a board-certified physician that is trained in facial anatomy, such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. This directing physician will ensure that proper safety protocols are being followed within the office, and even if they are not the one performing your treatment, they are on-site in the rare case that something may go wrong. At Mona Dermatology, all providers hold advanced medical degrees: Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Nurse Practitioner (NP), or Physician Assistant (PA). Not only do they receive months of extensive cosmetic training prior to treating patients, they also receive ongoing education in the medical aesthetics field.


Look for a provider with experience in the treatment you are seeking. How many treatments of this kind have they given? What kind of training have they received? At Mona Dermatology, our providers see over 7,000 skin exams, 4,000 botox appointments, 1,000 filler appointments and 2,000 laser/light appointments combined in any given year.


As the saying goes, ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ and the same is true for cosmetic treatments. It can be helpful to select a provider who specializes in giving the type of results that you seek to achieve. Some ways to research this would include asking to see before and after photos, following the office or provider on social media, or even seeing what the staff and providers’ results look like. At Mona Dermatology, we specialize in creating natural-looking results. 


If the cost of a treatment seems too good to be true, it probably is! Oftentimes, heavily discounted procedures are being performed by non-medical personnel or less experienced providers. Cosmetic treatments require extensive training and experience to achieve safe and optimal results. Saving money on a treatment in the short-term could end up costing you more if a complication occurs.

Questions to Ask

Before having a procedure, it’s important to get to know your provider and ask them questions to learn more. Consider asking why you are a good candidate for this treatment, what you should expect during the treatment, what results may be, what the risks are, who will perform your treatment, and what will happen if complications arise. On the other hand, your provider should also be asking what you are hoping to achieve to make sure you are both on the same page. Don’t forget that they should also be asking you for your medical history, medications you are on, and allergies you may have.

Adapted from the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)

Skincare Christmas Gifts for the Women In Your Life

As seen in the December 2o23 issue of Cincinnati Magazine.

Looking for Christmas gifts for the women you love? Mona Dermatology’s provider team shares what skincare treatments and products they’re adding to their wish lists for this upcoming holiday season.

Dr. Mona S. Foad

“I would love to be gifted a tightening treatment to slow down my aging, like Sofwave, and a facial treatment to give me that immediate glow for the holiday season, such as Diamond Glow.”

Learn more about Mona

Dr. Alexandra Bowles

“If I could give someone a skin gift, it would be the gift of bright and smooth skin! Combining a good skin care regimen of sunscreen, vitamin C, and retinol with regular Botox treatments can do just that.”

Learn more about Alexandra

Taylor Wojniak, CNP

“I would love to be gifted injectable treatments like Botox and filler to get ready for the upcoming holiday season. These treatments have little downtime and help create a more balanced and refreshed look.”

Learn more about Taylor

Jessica Watkins, PA-C

“I would love to be gifted a microneedling session with Botox and skinvive! I can do it all in one day and is the perfect cure for winter blues!”

Learn more about Jessica

Brooke Stinnette, CNP

“I would love to be gifted hydrating treatments such as Skinvive and an oxygen facial to prepare my skin for the cold, dry winter that is to come!” 

Learn more about Brooke

Anna Luning, CNP

“A gift I would love this holiday season would be a Skinvive treatment to keep my skin hydrated and glowing all winter long, especially for the holidays! And don’t forget about skin care stocking stuffers like HA5 or a favorite moisturizer to give an added boost.”

Learn more about Anna

Megan Niese, PA-C

“Skinvive would be my perfect gift around the holidays. It’s a new microdroplet injectable that increases hydration to improve smoothness, providing a lasting glow. Also, winter break is also a great time to do a laser treatment such as Halo, so you can allow for some downtime.”

Learn More About Megan