Make Your Jawline Filler Last

You just arrived home from your first jawline filler appointment. You can’t stop admiring your side profile in the mirror and are eager to show your new look to the world. Not so fast! If you want to enjoy the maximum benefits of the procedure and maintain your new look, Mona Dermatology recommends some important aftercare steps.

Be Cautious For 24 Hours After Jawline Filler

Our experienced providers will be meticulous while placing your filler to ensure you receive the safest treatment and best possible results. Everyone’s facial structure is different, so precision is key when it comes to building the jawline of your dreams. However, applying pressure to the treated area during the healing process may cause the filler to migrate to other areas around the neck and jaw. Be aware of habits, like resting your chin in your hands or sleeping on your side, for the first 24 hours as this may put too much pressure on the treated area.

Volux Jawline Filler MONA Dermatology Cincinnati

Stay Hydrated

Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers work by attracting water molecules from nearby tissues to create a plumping effect in the desired area. Drinking plenty of water after your appointment will maximize the results of your filler, ensuring you get the most out of your treatment. Additionally, the topical numbing applied to the skin during the procedure may cause dryness, so it is important to hydrate your skin with your favorite moisturizer during the recovery period. 

Avoid Excess Salt and Alcohol

Alcohol products and food high in sodium increase water retention and cause systemic swelling — think of the dreaded bloating and facial swelling the morning after dinner and drinks with friends. While fluctuation in water retention is normal, higher-than-average swelling is not ideal after a filler appointment. Your jawline will already be sore and irritated from the treatment, so it’s best to avoid the extra puffiness until the area heals. Instead, drink plenty of water to flush out the excess salt.

Jawline Filler Volux MONA Dermatology Cincinnati

Use UV Protection & Avoid Excess Heat

Although you should be applying sunscreen to your face daily, UV protection is especially important post-filler, since excess UV rays can affect the longevity of your dermal fillers. The damage and inflammation caused by overexposure to the sun stimulates your skin’s healing process. As you shed dead skin cells, the molecules in the filler can be broken down, too. Make sure to wear a topical sunscreen and consider adding a wide-brimmed hat to your daily wardrobe, as well as staying indoors during peak UV hours. You’ll also want to be cautious to avoid extensive heat exposure for 72 hours after your treatment, as it could negatively impact your results or cause excessive swelling.

Schedule a Combination Treatment

It’s good practice to schedule a follow-up appointment for two weeks after your initial treatment. That way, your provider can evaluate how the filler is settling into your face,  even out any asymmetry, or add more product if needed. Many clients also choose to pair filler with other anti-aging treatments — like Botox, microneedling, or chemical peels — to boost their results. 

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